In discussion with Gwijo Squad Gender-based violence

Discussions with Gwijo Squad

In the wake of Women’s Month, and in the 16 Days of Activism approaching, Gwijo Squad decided that it was our responsibility as a collective to use our platform to continue to shine a light on the scourge that is gender-based violence (GBV).
The contribution that we felt would be impactful is to have conversations about nuance that can be somewhat of a minefield and is thus generally avoided in conversation lest one say something that attracts the ire of the public.
The result of skirting around these issues is that many people have questions and opinions that they feel they cannot air which results in the awareness and, more importantly, the potential for learning is stunted.

“Violence against women is a persistent and universal problem occurring in every culture and social group. Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime – most often by someone she knows, including a member of her own family, an employer or a co-worker.
Violence against women has been called “the most pervasive yet least recognised human rights abuse in the world.” – extraction from What Is Gender-Based Violence?

gbv quote gwijo squad


Watch the ladies discussion

In discussion with the ladies gwijo squad

The panel consists of different and dynamic women from different professional backgrounds but that share a special passion which is to speak out against gender-based violence.
Each of the ladies has experienced and/or has someone close to them going through the pain of gender-based violence, share their insight and unpack what they think society should consider in finding solutions to gender-based violence.
We interrogate what and how men in South Africa are reacting to this pandemic.
A very interesting and solution-driven discussion.
gbv quote gwijo squad


Watch the men’s discussion

In discussion with the men gwijo squad

The purpose of our intervention was to create a safe space where men were asked to air their views and questions without fear of judgement and retribution as long as they came with an open mind to the views of others and the intention to learn and become more attuned to the understanding of how, we as men, can contribute to the weeding out of problematic behaviour in our own circles.
We gathered a group of men who were brave enough to be that vulnerable and we had the conversation so that we might contribute to the elucidation of other men in our circle of influence.
Indeed a lively debate was had with a number of pre-planned topics as well as many ideas that emanated from the discussion and had not been anticipated.
We trust that this will be received in the spirit in which it was embarked on and we eagerly anticipate the feedback, be it compliments or constructive criticism. Here is to incremental improvements toward a better and safer future for our country’s women.

gbv gwijo squad behind the scenes

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