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Heritage Month with Klipdrift Brandy

The month of September in South Africa marks the celebration of our different heritages. It is a time for the country to celebrate through music, art, our historical inheritance, our different languages and delicious food.

Gwijo Squad partnered with Klipdrift Brandy to express themselves through igwijo. It has been a harmonious collaboration.


Our studio was booked and we had a few willing members who had put up their hands and had a few hours to spare into putting together the project with Klipdrift Brandy.
Happy faces arrived at the studio in time to get a summary of how the afternoon would roll-out.
Voices were warmed up and it was time to take to the microphones in the soundproofed room, with the sound engineer taking full control.
Our camera operator was able to take some great shots of the team in action.
It was a wrap once all the vocals were laid down and the team was happy with the work done over the hours.

The final production

gwijo squad mawande video thumbnail

Click on the below links to watch the full video and share it with your friends and family.

Uthuleleni Mawande’s lyrics

Umhlabeli: Wen’ uthuleni?
Squad: Uthuleleni Mawande?
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwazi.
(Repeats after each verse)

Umhlabeli: mna ndinguJalamba
Squad: ndinguJalamba, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.
Umhlabeli: mna ndinguMthimkulu
Squad: ndinguMthimkulu, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.

Umhlabeli: mna ndinguMaduna
Squad: ndinguMaduna, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.
Umhlabeli: mna ndingumamTolo
Squad: ndingumamTolo, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.

Umhlabeli: mna ndingumamZotho
Squad: ndingumamZotho, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.
Umhlabeli: mna ndinguJikijwa
Squad: ndinguJikijwa, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.

Umhlabeli: thina singamaZizi
Squad: singamaZizi, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.
Umhlabeli: rona re baKoni
Squad: re baKoni, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.

Umhlabeli: rona re baKwena
Squad: re baKwena, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.
Umhlabeli: thina singoGatsheni
Squad: singoGatsheni, mamela.
Umhlabeli: I’m sorry sis’
Squad: I’m sorry sisi, ndiyakwaz’.

Siyaziqhenya ngemvelaphi yethu. Nani, khanizazise, ningamani?


Don’t forget to share the gwijo with your friends and family. Let’s get everyone involved.

gwijo squad become a member

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